
PORTALS Lesson Plan Part A (redirected from PORTALS LP Part A)

Page history last edited by fran toomey 12 years, 3 months ago

Introducing the Idea of Lesson Planning and Meta Lesson Planning


Introduce your students to the idea of creating Lesson Plans for learning.  Talk about how you plan for a lesson.  Share the PORTALS Lesson Plan Format Part A.  Provide examples from lessons you have already taught.  Generate a topic for a lesson plan that would be of interest to middle schoolers.  Working with them, fill in each part of the lesson plan.


Next (after you feel as though students have a good sense of the lesson plan format), introduce the idea that they will "write" their own lesson plans based on the next lesson you will introduce.  Show them the form for PORTALS Meta LP Format Part B.  Explain/discuss/remind them of the meaning of meta/metacognition.  Help them to see that this lesson plan (part B) will help them to be more metacognitive, more self-directed, more in charge of their learning.


Walk through several examples for Part B, using a mythical student or volunteer student.  Point out that all learners have both strengths and challenges in learning.  Have students work in small groups to fill in their own sheets.  Circulate and offer feedback.  Come back together as a group and talk about what is in a lesson plan and how they can learn to learn by recognizing their strengths and working through their challenges.


Periodically use the PORTALS META Lesson Plan PART B at the introduction of a new unit and when you think a lesson may be particularly challenging.


Examples of Part B will be forthcoming.  See _________________________ link!



P.O.R.T.A.L.S. Meta Lesson Plan Format (Part A)


Purpose (Your goal; the outcome you seek)




Operations (How you will achieve the goal through Processing and Transforming Information and ideas)



Remembering (Attending to and holding information in Working Memory and storing and retrieving it from Long Term Memory)



Team Work (Solving problems with help from others)



Action (Outcomes that Demonstrate and Disseminate your work



Laying a Foundation (All problems are about something—the content—the information and ideas. The facts, concepts, and ideas you will need.



Self-Management (You are in charge! ) What will you do to make this a successful experience?  After the fact:   How did the lesson turn out?  What did you learn about yourself as a learner?







P.O.R.T.A.L.S. Meta Lesson Plan Format Part B                                                  

FT/Explorience 8/25/12


What you need to do!

Be specific!



*This is a Challenge ( or Obstacle)

How so?

So? (Solution)

Purpose: Goal

This Lesson's Objective                   

















Working Memory


Long Term Memory







Team Work

Who can help? How?








How will you Demonstrate









Laying a Foundation


What you know


Need to know






Self Management

Strengths and challenges in this lesson?* Reflection!









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