
General Self Management Interview

Page history last edited by fran toomey 12 years, 5 months ago

Metacognitive Interview/Questionnaire for Middle School Students  By Fran Toomey, Ph.D.           5/08



Name                Date                                 Recorder

Part A.  General

Three things you do well in school.





Three things you do not do as well as you would like to.





What kinds of things/tasks (assignments, projects) do you like to do?





Three things you do well out of school.







Part B.  Strategic Approaches to School Tasks

1.  When you have a task to do, do you make a plan?  Can you give an example?




2.  Do you make a schedule?  Break the task into parts?



3.  Before you start, do you have a purpose/know why you are doing the work, what you are trying to achieve?



4.  Are there guideless or rules you are supposed to follow (like a checklist or rubric)?



5.  Before you begin, do you think about what you already know about the topic or task?



6.  Do you think of how you will do it?  Do you have a strategy?  Can you give an example?



7.  What do you do if you don’t understand the directions?  The task? (Assignment)



8.  As you are working, what do you do if you make a mistake or get confused?

Do you ask for help?  Who do you ask?



9.  As you are working, do you monitor (pay attention to, stop and think about) progress?



10.   After you’ve finished a task but before you turn in your work, do you

(a) think about how well you did it?


(b) think about what you learned?


(c) try to think of another time or situation where you will/can use what you learned?


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