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Learning Story Pixs

Page history last edited by fran toomey 5 years, 3 months ago

Early Learning begins with Language.  One of the building blocks of language (and later literacy) is Story Telling.  


I am going to begin with a STORY Framework:


Somebody:  The child (0-18)


Wanted:  What the child is trying to achieve


But:  The obstacles that get in the way of that learning.


So:  How the child and his/her advocates resolve the obstacles to learning and continue on the path to learning. 


While this wiki is not trying to explicitly teach children how to use/tell stories written by someone else, we think it it a good problem solving strategy for learning how to learn.  Children CAN tell us their many stories about learning.



Here are some examples of adults using this SWBS process to share stories with children.:




And here's a link for additional ideas and information:







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