Teacher Talk
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by fran toomey 8 years, 10 months ago
Teachers have a lot to teach us about student learning and how they help students find solutions to obstacles to learning. Here are some of those stories. We have organized them into the P.O.R.T.A.L.S. categories. Of course, generally there is more than one way to categorize each story.
What do you find to be the most difficult thing about teaching beginning and struggling readers? We recently asked this exact question open-endedly to educators as they registered for our latest webinar. Of all the varying responses, there was one that stood out as the most common response (being mentioned in about 30% of all responses): keeping struggling readers motivated: Interest, Ownership, Self-efficacy, Social Interaction, Mastery
Susanna Lang • I really liked Mary E. LaLuna's comment about full-body approach to reading/writing. I've seen my middle school students thrive when reading and writing were fully integrated,using a writing workshop approach to writing in the genres and academic writing aligned with Common Core State Standards. The first step with my 8th graders this year was to while they teach them to think read--they were fluent but were not making meaning. One kid actually told me, "You are our reading teacher, you're not supposed to be teaching us to think!" But now they can write developed arguments in support of their interpretation of a text, where they develop their own claim--I don't give them a question to answer. And they're also writing memoirs and arguments and poems to fulfill their own purposes. It's been a struggle and I'm sure it will continue to be, but it's good to see the progress.
Mary E. LaLuna • Thank you Susanna, and congratulations on making the connection between the action of reading and true reading. Again, it is not reading until the person doing the action can make a connection, ownership, .“Reading is the decoding of words with an attached meaning, and only until there are both present is there comprehension and understanding.” M. LaLuna 2002 the attached meaning comes from connecting it to oneself, and being able to put it into their own words. In other words being able to "think about it"
^February 13, 2012, 3:34 pm
Room for Debate’ and the Common Core Standards By KATHERINE SCHULTEN
Lisa Stanley • I love this resource! As secondary teachers, it is essential that we search out readings that will not only meet the rigorous standards set by the Common Core, but also provide thought-provoking issues that engage students. That being said, I think that it's also important to realize that although resources will be essential with the new implementation, so will the ability of educators to break down the standards into manageable steps for students. In the argument standard alone (to which the article speaks), there are no less than 5 skills that students must learn in order to achieve mastery.
Teacher Talk
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