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Self Management Strategies

Page history last edited by fran toomey 12 years, 1 month ago

The Strategy Cards were formatted to fit on a 3x5 card if downloaded. 

Students will need to be introduced to each strategy, usually after the teacher has used some of the Activities for the Skill. 



to understand and use what I am learning.


√ I’ll start with a Self-Management plan (S), and then pause along the way to check my understanding (S) and record (R) what I’m learning.



√ I want to Lay a Foundation (L) of important concepts and ideas.

because I want to use my knowledge later to achieve my purpose (P) and take the actions (A) that make my learning meaningful.



√ I’ll check in with my (T) teacher or teammates as needed, especially if

I am having trouble with the operations (O) needed to complete

the task/assignment.



Somebody                                                                                    (#2 SM)

Me:  Skills: ______________________________________________________

         Knowledge __________________________________________________

         Beliefs:  ____________________________________________________

Others who can help: ______________________________________________


Purpose: ________________________________________________________

Content: ________________________________________________________

Task(s): ________________________________________________________

Action: _________________________________________________________

But: Obstacles or challenges/Where they occur (P,O,R,T,A,L,S)

Time/Timing: ___________________________________________________

Complexity: ____________________________________________________

Resources:    ____________________________________________________

So: Solutions 

Time/Timing: ___________________________________________________

Complexity:   ___________________________________________________

Resources:     ___________________________________________________

And so…Assessment/Reflection                                                                              


Self-Management Strategy Card #3:  What’s true about IQ?


IQ is changeable: (Lots of research to support this!)

When I have trouble learning, it is usually because of D, E, A, and/or L…make notes or give examples


Difficulty of the Task

Effort I put into the Task

Ability to do the Task (right now)

Luck (circumstances)


What I have to do to change (with/without the teacher’s help!)







http://www.studygs.net/metacognitiona.htm Here is a  Metacognitive Strategy/Assessment form an educational resources site.  It ask students to carry out a 4 step self-assessment task by answering 4 questions:

Begin with the past:  How you learn?  Study habits?

Proceed to the present:  Interest?  Circumstances?  Control? Plan?

Consider the process and the subject matter!

Build in Review.














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