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Activities Folder

Page history last edited by fran toomey 12 years ago

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You will find 3 kinds of resources on this page:


1.  Links to Whole Class or Small Group Activities for Teachers to Consider for each of the 7 P.O.R.T.A.L.S SKILLS.   



Operations  Remembering  Teamwork Actions  Laying a Foundation 






2. Lesson Plans Created by Teachers.

We are not necessarily recommending that you adopt these plan, but we suggest reviewing them because they are thoughtful, linked to many resources, and address higher level skills.   They may or may not address all of the P.O.R.T.A.L.S. Skills. 

1.  Topic : 911  Level:  Middle School      https://www.911memorial.org/lesson-plans-6-8   



3. Curricula specifically designed to teach Meta Learning Skills 

Of couse, we would put P.O.R.T.A.L.S. first, but there are other Meta Curricula out there.

See our Teaching Sequence Page for a systematic way to get started on Meta Teaching/Meta Learning Ideas. 

1.  https://www.um.edu.mt/educ/about/publications/mrer/files/JMERN5I2P3.pdf Learning About Learning by Chris Watkins, 2007


2.   http://www.teachingthinking.net/thinking/web%20resources/robert_fisher_thinkingaboutthinking.htm 




You will also want to check out Strategies  for Students 






















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