8 Learning Skills
A Remembering
B Managing
C Purpose
D Team Sport
E Big Picture
F Construction Site
G Beyond Basic
H Arguing
5 minds for the future
A whole new mind: Daniel Pink
*Information Age (20)
*Conceptual Age (21st)
Making Learning Whole by Perkins
7 Principles of Teaching
Education for
Deanna Kuhn
Argument and Inquiry
We need to know what a cognitive skill is (p 12)
21st century learning
Web site
Partner for 21st century skills
Look for letter Coding as above to see the closest connection between the 8 Learning skills and these contemporary models of learning
Disciplined Mind
Expert in at least one area (G)
Design (not just function)(G)
Create something that is beautiful, whimsical or emotionally engaging
Play the whole game (C)
Threshold experience of the whole enterprises—sense making: you know what you are doing and why you are doing it.
Creativity and Innovation (G)
*think creatively
*Work creatively with others
*Implement innovation
These 8 skills are also highly correlated with the SPOKES READING COMPREHENSIN APPROACH
Synthesizing Mind(B)
Gather information from disparate sources and put it together in ways that work for self and can be communicated to others.
Story (not just argument). (H) Fashion a compelling narrative as the essence of persuasion, communication and
self-understanding. (B)
Make the game worth playing (E, C)
The bits and pieces make sense in light of the context of the whole game. Seeing how the pieces fit together. More than “you’ll need to know it later.”
Student’s current and prospective concerns and purposes beyond the classroom with a focus on education for life. (p 13) ©
Critical Thinking and problem solving (G, H)
*reason effectively
*use system thinking (1)
*make judgments and decisions
*solve problems
Creating Mind (G)
Those who construct a box but can think outside it.
Symphony (not just focus)(E)
Putting the pieces together--synthesis.—big picture, crossing boundaries, combine disparate pieces
Work on the hard parts (G)
Real improvement based on deconstructing the game, singling out the hard parts for special attention, practicing them, developing strategies and reintegrating them ….Revision
Thinking is something people do most often collaboratively. (D) Thinking is most often and most importantly a social activity embodied in the discourse people engage in to advance their individual and shared goals.
Communication and collaboration (D)
*Communicate clearly
*Collaborate w/others (3)
Respectful Mind (D)
Respect those who differ from us as well as those with whom we have similarities
Empathy (not just logic)(D)
What makes others tick, to forge relationships, and to care for others.
Play out of town (C, E, G)
New challenges to stretch an adapt skills and insights…maybe generalize what they know under different circumstances.
Transfer of learning
Inquiry (G)
Info/Media/Tech Skills
*Information literacy (G)
*Media Literacy
*Info, Comm, and Tech literacy
Ethical Mind (H)
Think beyond our own self interests and do what is right under the circumstances.
Play (not just seriousness). Laughter, lightheartedness, games and humor.
Uncover the hidden game(G)
Complicated and challenging activity has multiple layers beneath the obvious. In science, feel for the underlying principles of causality involved in scientific theories.
Argument (H)
Life and Career Skills (B)
*flexibility & adaptability
*initiative and self-direction
*social and cultural skills
*productivity & accountability
*leadership and responsibility
Meaning (C) Liberated to pursue purpose, transcendence, and spiritual fulfillment.
Learn from the team (D)
Learn from others engaged in the same pursuit…colleagues, rivals, enemies, paragons, mentors, etc.
Mastery of Core Subjects and themes (F)
Understanding of academic content at much higher levels.
Learn the game of learning
Self-managed learning…working on the other 6 parts. (2)
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