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Learning Lab Rubric

Page history last edited by fran toomey 14 years, 2 months ago


Learning Lab Rubric for all your Major projects

This rubric can also be used as a template for evaluating other work.


Vertical Axis: Limit to 4-7 criteria

^Choose reasonably objective criteria

^Base criteria on some credible framework

^Choose criteria that can offer constructive feedback 


Horizontal Axis:  Choose levels that reflect the quality of work, not just completion of amount.

^Use titles that are encouraging

^Use descriptors that suggest what or how to change the work

^Use descriptors that "workers" see as meaningful (You may need to get feedback to check this.).

^Leave space at the bottom of the page for comments.



Criteria  I'm a Star  On My Way  First Draft  I'm Trying 
Reflective  I plan, monitor, and evaluate most of the time as I work.  I  monitored my purpose and my plan as I did my work.  I made some comments on my work on in my journal. I started my work with a purpose, a plan and a strategy.  Sometimes I think about what and how I'm doing something after I do it. 
Strategic  I have at least one strategy for each of the 8 skills  I have at least two strategies for at least four skills.  I have at least one strategy for at least two skills. I have one strategy:  Ask the teacher or a team mate.
Open  I consider all of the available information and ideas before making up my mind.  I have adopted or adapted someone else's ideas or suggestions.  I show by my responses that I value some of what others say/write.  I acknowledge that others have ideas and information. 
Persistent  I work on it until I meet criteria estabished by me or my teacher.  I give it several tries over a week or two.  I give it two tries.  I give it one try. 
Purpose & Generalization  I think about purpose before I begin my work and make a plan for when and where I will use the information, ideas, or skills I'm developing.  I have a purpose for most of my major work projects and attempt to apply the work to more than one situation.  I start any new work by writing the purpose at the top of the page.  I ask the teacher why we are doing this/learning this ; how we might use it. 
Helpful  Help my teacher become a better teacher

Add new information, ideas and strategies 

Consistently help my teammates  Occasionally help my teammates 
Content I am showing progress on 8 skills.

I am showing progress on six skills.

I am showing progress on four skills. I am showing progress on two skills.


Comments that will make your evaluation more specific. 









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